Say Hi! :)

Welcome to Changminlandia ^O^!! here I am, to share with all changmin fans around the planet everything about Mr. Shim Changmin. I will share as much as I can, but remember that sometimes there are things that can't be taken out, so in that case I will not upload that in here, is important to respect decitions and rules of data owners :) don't you think so?

Enjoy your stay in Changminlandia~


::Now let's begin with ChangminTime::

miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2009

【Chang~Pictures】090504 Changmin @ Concert The Secret Code~ in kobe~(TVXQ,Changmin,심창민,최강,Max,최강,Max)

f:    yahoo  + chino_cinno_pp  +  Baidu  + 창민 Landia

Y mis busquedas estan dando resultado *0*
aqui encontre unas cuantas fotos mas de chang en concierto
TOT.... se ve tan bonitoo!!! como siempreee!!!

no hay nada que explicar el blanco le queda perfectoo

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